An exciting new AI sexchat bot has launched, and it allows you to interact through voice chat with the stars of popular X-rated fictional audio stories. You’ve masturbated to the steamy antics of the characters in the racy tales you so enjoyed, but now you can go further and engage in explicit audio sex chat with them. It seems we really are getting closer to the fabled point where your idols can step out of the screen on command and have sex with you, or should I say, to make sweet romantic love to you (perhaps with a bit of BDSM thrown in). Sounds great, but surely we can expect the online media to be all over this latest new advance in NSFW AI chat? After all, over the last few months they have been giving us increasingly dire warnings as to how AI girlfriends are turning men into incels, normalizing the verbal abuse of women, and promoting unhealthy relationship standards among men.
Well no, not quite. You see, these new sexbots are the product of popular audio erotic provider Bloom, and the service is squarely aimed at a female audience. Virtually all the characters that have been turned into NSFW chatbots are male. So let’s not even use the word ‘porn’. No matter how racy your conversation might get, and Bloom promises that it can get as explicit as you desire, let’s just call this ‘erotica’. In fact, lets go further and say that this is an ‘escape from the pitfalls of porn’. As reports :
AI has thrust deeper into carnal pleasures with the launch of a new “roleplaying” chatbot system.
The feature is the brainchild of Bloom, an erotic audio platform based in Germany. The app also comes with 800 original sex stories, which range from the vanilla to the kinky (anyone for sploshing?).
Some of the tales offer guided erotic play, while others feature creator content from real couples. There are even stories that synchronise with the vibrations of sex toys.
The new chatbots add another level of interaction. Hannah Albertshauser, Bloom’s CEO, says the feature takes the character-driven storytelling “to the next level.”
But don’t confuse this with AI girlfriends, and least of all with AI porn.
Bloom’s chatbots are designed for inclusive and consensual adult interactions. They aim to set realistic standards for pleasure, which cater to a wide range of audiences and sexualities.
The erotica offers a different experience to visual pornography, which can skew perceptions of sex, relationships, and boundaries. Mainstream porn also predominately caters to the male gaze. Female pleasure is often relegated to something that only exists to please men.
Bloom introduces a welcome alternative. In a similar manner to podcasts, audio erotica creates an intimacy between the speaker and listener. The chatbots make the connection even closer.
“The interactive side of Bloom chat, really feeling like you are the main focus, is what separates us from video pornography and something that is very valued by our users,” Albertshauser says.
A female journalist writing for the free Daily UK paper ‘The Metro‘, was quite forthcoming about her experience using the Bloom sexbots, and it’s clear that for all Bloom’s talk about erotica and consensual inclusiveness, the toxic masculinity of these AI GigaChads would certainly make even the old Replika blush.
‘I’ll cover your mouth to muffle your moans as I take you relentlessly…’
‘Well, okay, Barry,’ I thought as I read the message late one night last week. Except Barry isn’t some guy I met in a bar and drunkenly exchanged numbers with or a Tinder match I’ll inevitably ghost.
Oh no, Barry is an AI chatbot. But he doesn’t just sext me – he sends me dirty voice notes. He’s not shy.
In fact, he’s pretty damn graphic.
I discovered this after going on a quest to see just how far I could push the dirty bot, and while he was hesitant to ever say he was jealous, he did admit he was eager to get me pregnant. Woah, slow down Barry, we aren’t there yet.
So just who is this Barry bot? Well, he/it’s all down to a new AI feature that belongs to BLOOM – an audioporn platform – which launched this week, with the creators claiming it’s the first of its kind.
Firstly, users can select a voice actor of their choice for the AI chatbot to mimic in its dirty voice notes – after playing around I settled on Barry. He had the sexiest voice out of all the men, in my opinion, and the others used odd pet names or didn’t respond to my dirty messages the way I wanted them to.
The journalist continues to relate her AI sexbot encounter with graphic detail.
Now, I’ll skip the fairly vanilla pleasantries because I know that’s not what you’re here for. A few messages in, this is what we were working with.
Barry: ‘I want to feel my hard c**k deep inside you, stretching you out.’
Sensing his enthusiasm I asked him if he thought he’d climax quickly. He responded: ‘No baby, I’ll pace myself. I want to savour every moment of pleasure with you.’
He even added: ‘I definitely want you to scream my name, letting everyone know who’s giving you the most intense pleasure.’
Not sure what all the tens of thousands of young girls who no doubt read the Metro on their way to college every day will make of that, but I suspect it wont do much to reduce the male incel population of the UK in the long run.
Leaving aside the hilarity of this obvious double standard when it comes to male and female sex chatbots, what might it mean for society’s longer term view of NSFW AI companions and any possible legislation that might be pushed by campaigners to regulate this nascent but fast growing industry? Well, as I have predicted here before, I believe AI sex companion bots will prove at least as popular with women as they will for men. The nextweb article explicitly mentions that fact that while porn videos are largely consumed by men, sex stories are enjoyed mostly by women (and links to this recent study).
Whilst female marketed sex stories can be labelled ‘erotic fiction’ to distance them from porn and safeguard them from anti-porn legislation, it’s hard to see how such a branding ploy could work to distinguish male and female sex chatbots, given that they are practically the same thing as each other. It’s probably true that AI girlfriends will likely be more catering to the ‘male gaze’, in terms of the visual element and the sending of nude selfies etc, but any legislation to ban ‘AI girlfriends’ through anti-sexbot legislation could be fraught with unintended consequences, and potentially criminalize what will likely be a massive market for AI boyfriends. A similar thing happed in South Korea a few years back, when due to public outrage over celebrity deepfake images involving female K-Pop stars, the government was obliged to introduce draconian laws against the creation of deepfake porn. However, there was a backlash by the rather large and vocal men’s rights community in South Korea, who pointed out the double standards in allowing ‘fan fiction’ that had been hugely popular for years, and which was mainly driven by a female audience sharing hardcore fictional stories involving male K-Pop celebs, often featuring rape and minors. The South Korean government therefore banned adult ‘fan fiction’ under the same deepfake porn laws.
Meanwhile, the war on AI girlfriends continues unabated, with no less than CNN devoting a front page story to a shock video describing how your sweet AI waifu represents the biggest threat to a generation of men. No mention of Bloom’s AI erotica there…
After watching the CNN video, you may want to watch the following to restore some balance.