A Chinese scientist has made international news by revealing what is surely the wackiest remote sex toy yet invented – a pair of lips that can be attached to a smartphone, and moved by the person you are connected to. Jiang Zhongli, the boffin behind the ‘Remote Kiss’ device, was apparently inspired to create something to facilitate ‘physical’ contact between lovers seperated by distance, after his own experience with a former girlfriend.
‘We only had contact with each other through the phone. That’s where the inspiration of this device originated,’ Jiang Zhongli, the leading inventor of the design, told the Global Times.
He believes the device could promote monogamous relationships as it can only pair up with one device at a time. It also requires the consent of both parties.
The device works with a mobile app and to send a kiss remotely, users will have to plug it into their phone’s charging port. After pairing with their partners in the app, couples can start a video call and transmit replicas of their kisses to each other.
Read more : https://metro.co.uk/2023/02/27/device-with-silicon-lips-lets-you-kiss-your-long-distance-partner-18356615/
Despite Jiang’s virtuous and politically correct sounding intentions as regards monogamy, the app also features a ‘kissing square’ feature, which allows you to hook up with random strangers.
The movement of the lips is determined by sensors that replicate the pressure, movement, and temperature of the user’s actual lips, and appears to be mutual (ie. two directional simultaneously, thereby replicating real kissing). Unfortunately, there is no tongue or saliva. Hopefully, in Remote Kiss 2.
This isn’t the first time a haptic kissing device has been attempted. Way back in 2011 and Japanese scientists were reportedly making progress with a ‘kissing machine’. More recently, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University experimented with tranducers to create a haptic attachment that could allow you to kiss in virtual reality – including the sensation of tongue kissing and saliva.
The ‘Remote Kiss’ invention has been patented by the Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology, and is reportedly selling over 100 a month in China. Westerners can order a pair of the gadgets for $123 at Alibaba (twice as much as the $65 that the Chinese are paying for theirs).