A redditer at r/OculusNSFW describes how much better VR video looks in 4K using the Sony Xperia XZ Premium :
Picked up a Sony Xperia XZ Premium last week, which is one of the few 4K phones available.
Let me start by saying that watching adult VR videos from your library the SDE is almost gone entirely. The difference is distinct from even GearVR which had been the standard. The phone is 4K with 807 ppi. The videos are bright and the colors pop.
Hardware: I’m still waiting for a BOBOVR to get shipped from China, currently I’m using a PASONOMI headset I picked up at a flea market. For input I’m using a Stratus XL.
Software: I’ve tried VRTV, AAA VR Cinema, VARplayer and SLR (Sex Like Real).
Even with the crappy headset the video is significantly better than GearVR. I also have Oculus and Vive, but those aren’t even close in terms of picture quality–both have a ‘washed out’ look compared to what you’ll get with a phone Gear/Cardboard & more noticeable SDE, although they do have superior FOV and framerate.
The real gap here is software. VRTV paired with a Stratus controller seems to be the best choice for Cardboard right now. AAA and VAR aren’t very good at all.
I tried to get SLR working with the bluetooth controller (like it does on GearVR) but the SLR Cardboard app refuses to accept any input other than screen touch. If they fix that SLR would instantly be the best app for video viewing on Cardboard.
So here it is: the Xperia XZ Premium provides easily the best screen for VR porn viewing but it is limited by: —>What’s the best headset to pair with it? Who knows? —>Software is nowhere near as good as Vive/Oculus/Gear at least until SLR Cardboard supports bluetooth controller