Most of the virtual reality porn sites are now offering discounts for new members, terming the sales #StayHome, for obvious reasons. It’s not just because they want you to stay safe by fapping to their videos, it’s also because of the fact that the coronavirus crisis has caused most studios to stop filming, and already one or two of the top sites have cut back on the updates. On top of that, millions of people are losing their jobs, and many more are feeling anxious about the future prospects of the economy. So now is a good time to make it more attractive to #StayHome and discover VR porn.
Is It Safe To Take Advantage Of A #StayHome VR Porn Sale?
Of course, nobody knows when this crisis will end and lockdowns the world over be relaxed, but I think it very unlikely that any of the major VR porn sites will actually go under, unless of course – God fobid – the economy actually collapses. In fact, porn – and especially VR porn – is likely to be one of the least threatened industries. Even in economic recessions, porn tends to do rather well, and we’ve never had a recession in which millions of people have had to spend so much of their time indoors, not only bored, but for those who don’t have partners or are unable to see their partners during the lockdowns, very sexually frustrated on top of it. In fact, there are already signs that traffic to VR porn sites is increasing as the crisis and the quarantines continue.
So yes, I would recommend new VR headset owners, or those looking to join a VR porn site for the first time, to take advantage of these #StayHome sales. Even though pretty much all of the top studios will run out of new material to update with if the Safe Distance rules and restrictions aren’t relaxed soon, all the top sites now have hundreds of VR videos in their archives that should more than satisfy you for some time. Several or more top sites base their studios in the Czech Republic, which has manged to control the spread of the virus it seems by taking early action (and making the wearing of masks compulsory). Hopefully they will among the first to be able to resume filming quite soon (the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic today said that he expects life to return to normal by the end of May).
You may want to be quick with these sales – CzechVR say their offer will end on April 15th, and WankzVR have already ended their #StayHome sale.
The Top #StayHome VR Porn Sales
So here are the top VR porn sales that I recommend as safe bets to take advantage of now.