3D Holo Girlfriends Comes to HoloLens & AR Glasses

3D Holo Porn

3D Holo Girls
Seems that a real adult site for the HoloLens and other AR glasses is finally here. Well, not real in terms of actresses, but digital girls as the company behind the site claims the tech for shooting live actresses is not there yet. Still, it does look like they will be the first company to offer adult content for the HoloLens and the eventual release of the MagicLeap. The computer generated girls don’t look very atractive to me at this point, and the site only offers still preview images at the moment, but the company (3D Hologroup Inc) promises that the digital renderings will improve and that the ‘girlfriends’ will be increasingly interactive as they implement better A.I. into their software.



About xhumanist

Xhumanist has been writing on porn/sex tech for nearly two decades, and has been predicting the rise of VR and AR porn, as well as AI porn, and their coming together to produce fully 'immersive porn', which would be indistinguishable from the real thing, and create a society of 'sexual abundance'. He identifies as a digisexual, and has been quoted in Wired Magazine.

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