Bizzare Monsters 3D Digital VR Porn Site & A.I. Porn

bizare monsters digital vr porn site

There are dozens of virtual reality pay sites now but nearly all are of the recorded live type. Surprisingly, there are only one or two digital VR sites at the moment (although I believe quite a few in Japan). So if you are a 3D digital fan looking for some virtual reality experiences, the site to take a look at is ‘Bizzare Monsters‘.

Bizzare Monsters Digital 3D VR Porn

With the current difficulties involved in shooting recorded Virtual Reality, I would have expected more digital VR sites like Bizzare Monsters to have already appeared. Digital VR is surely the future, although the boundaries between the two might increasingly blur over time.

Last week it was revealed that artificial intelligence could create ultra-realistic faces of people that have never existed :

A.I. generated images of human faces
None of these people actually exist – they are generated by A.I.

Back in June, an image generator that could turn even the crudest doodle of a face into a more realistic looking image made the rounds online. That system used a fairly new type of algorithm called a generative adversarial network (GAN) for its AI-created faces, and now, chipmaker NVIDIA has developed a system that employs a GAN to create far most realistic-looking images of people.

…NVIDIA released a video of their GAN in action, and the AI-created faces are both absolutely remarkable and incredibly eerie. If the average person didn’t know the faces were machine-generated, they could easily believe they belonged to living people.

Now combine this with the breakthroughs in face tracking technology that were recently showcased in Apple’s iPhoneX release. So you could have live actresses and actors with completely different faces and bodies. Eventually A.I. would even render the need for any live action redundant, but of course the viewer may psychologically demand some ‘live’ or real element to the porn he is experiencing rather than purely digital/A.I.

A.I. and bio-metric feedback may soon produce your ultimate and perfect object of sexual desire in this manner. It’s hard to see how human porn actresses will eventually be able to compete.

About xhumanist

Xhumanist has been writing on porn/sex tech for nearly two decades, and has been predicting the rise of VR and AR porn, as well as AI porn, and their coming together to produce fully 'immersive porn', which would be indistinguishable from the real thing, and create a society of 'sexual abundance'. He identifies as a digisexual, and has been quoted in Wired Magazine.

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