Could The Coronavirus Cloud Have A VR Porn Silver Lining?

beautiful woman wearing a coronavirus protection mask

Maybe it’s in bad taste to even consider whether the unfolding global human tragedy taking place might have a ‘silver lining’ for the porn industry, but this is a site that attempts to examine trends in technology and sex, and it’s worth considering briefly what impact Coronavirus might have on virtual reality consumption in particular.

I’ve seen people make jokes online about the only winners in this mess being porn companies (and toilet roll manufacturers I guess). The idea being that with mass quarantines and ‘self-isolation’ taking place, and people more generally less able or willing to travel or attend events such as concerts or sports, people are going to be spending a lot more time indoors and online, looking for some..ahem…distraction.

In a brilliant marketing move last week, Pornhub – under fire by extreme religious bigots calling it to be banned – gave all Italians free access to their premium streaming services.

It’s a bit simplistic though to imagine that more time indoors will necessarily equal more time viewing and purchasing porn, whether virtual reality or the ordinary type.

For one thing, schools are being closed, mothers are being asked to work from home. Masturbation, especially when inside a virtual reality headset, requires a degree of privacy and a lack of possible (and embarrassing) interruption.

More importantly, the carnage this is inflicting upon the economy, from initial interruptions in the supply chain from China (including VR headsets) to a full blown economic recession that could be the worst in decades, it’s hard to see how VR porn can emerge a ‘winner’ in all of this.

Some cities in Europe are already banning prostitution temporarily amid the coronavirus. Countries like the Czech Republic – home to several major VR porn studios – are introducing draconian ‘social distancing’ measures of the kind seen in Italy for several weeks. It’s hard to see how VR porn production wont be affected.

Coronavirus is simply a disaster on every level, including virtual reality porn.

About xhumanist

Xhumanist has been writing on porn/sex tech for nearly two decades, and has been predicting the rise of VR and AR porn, as well as AI porn, and their coming together to produce fully 'immersive porn', which would be indistinguishable from the real thing, and create a society of 'sexual abundance'. He identifies as a digisexual, and has been quoted in Wired Magazine.

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