There had been months of speculation that Facebook would officially announce the release of the standalone version of the Oculus headset – the ‘Oculus Go’ – at their developer’s conference which started today. However, it was expected by many that only pre-orders would be taken and that the device itself would start shipping later this summer. But it seems that you can buy the headset today from their official site and get it to your door this week. At least, that is, while stocks last, as the much anticipated headset has apparently already sold out on Amazon.
Even more than the VR world in general, the adult VR industry is resting a lot of hopes on the new standalone Oculus boosting the market for virtual entertainment. As the Head of Production at top VR site BadoinkVR explained in a YouTube interview recently, the portable headset is going to be much more convenient for watching porn in. Specs wise, it comapres or even betters the Oculus Rift (resolution, for example, is higher). The main drawback, is that it doesn’t provide the 6dofF (six degrees of freedom) that the Rift and other high end headsets offer, meaning you can only move your head in the virtual world, but this isn’t an issue currently in VR porn, as all video VR has the viewer seated anyway.
Some details about the Oculus Go :
And a YouTube review