Since NSFW image generators started popping up early last year, their numbers have grown almost exponentially, with many already having come and gone. But if any site has a claim to being the very first online AI porn generator, it’s probably PornPenAI. Now that site has been acquired by another of the first AI porn tools – SexyAI – or at least, the company that now owns both (AI Media Group).
Perhaps this acquisition signals that the nascent and overcrowded AI porn industry is about to gradually become more settled, with a smaller number of bigger players dominating, and buying out competition. I reported as early as February of last year that the sole developer behind PornPen was likely earning at least $100K a day. This was an estimation based upon the number of Patreon subscriptions he was gaining each day, and the prices he was charging for membership. In those early days, he still had very little competition, but that changed quickly, and SexyAI itself was soon one of a growing number of top rivals. But the biggest blow was in January of this year, when Patreon banned AI porn sites from using their services. On top of that, other payment processing options also became limited, with Visa and Mastercard also demanding stringent safeguards and strict compliance rules. When his Patreon account was banned, the developer behind PornPenAI bemoaned the fact, with some justification, that he had one of the ‘safest’ NSFW AI tools online, utilizing both a human moderation team and a custom trained system of classifiers to identify any illicit use of his generator, as well as disabling ‘custom prompts’ (where a user can enter his own text as the prompt, rather than tag options).
I have limited information about the takeover of PornPenAI by the company behind SexyAI, and would be keen to learn more. For example, how much money changed hands, whether this is going to be the first acquisition of many, and if the developer behind PornPenAI will continue to work for AI Media Group, perhaps on PornPenAI itself? The PornPenAI site is still up and appears to still be its own seperate AI porn tool, rather than a clone or the domain simply redirecting to SexyAI. One interesting new feature that has been introduced there is a ‘dating app game’.
As well as the news of the takeover of PornPen, the team behind SexyAI did give me some other exciting news. They have entered the SFW AI image generator market too, with the professional looking And there is going to be an overhaul of SexyAI itself, already one of the very best AI porn generators, the team are adding new developers to make it even better, as well as introducing a social element.
SexyAI is one of the top five AI porn generators, according to my own rankings, and any other honest reviewer or list (not that there are many of those). I will publish a fuller review sometime in the next couple of weeks hopefully, but the outstanding features of SexyAI are :
- It has the best free usage policy of just about any NSFW AI tool I’ve tested.
- It is blazingly fast, faster than any other site I’ve tested. Furthermore, it produces TWO different images each generation, faster than any other image generator can produce one!
- It has one of the very best selections of models, including several different photorealistic generators, as well as one devoted to gay AI porn pics (which it does very well).
- It is pioneering animated videos, and they are closest yet to real AI porn videos.
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