Several new VR porn sites sprung up in the last week or so, but one in particular is worth noting as it gives a tantalizing glimpse of the possibilities that the new immersive porn forms – both vr and holo/augmented – contain. employs 3D scanning of real live models to create a virtual world in which the immersed user can interact with the realistic avatars. For example, if the headset wearer wants to ‘spank’ the model, a suitable pre-recorded facial expression will be generated as he ‘spanks’ the girl in virtual reality. A story on Holodexxx appeared a few days ago online which gave some interesting details on the tech and philosophy behind the site.
The simulation shows users a 360-degree view of a “room” that looks sort of like the set of American Idol circa 2004, in which a naked model stands in different poses on what appears to be a black-and-fuchsia gridded stage. The avatars flirt with their eyes and alternately pout or lick their lips, actions Young and his team are able to simulate after each performer models 40 to 50 different facial expressions at Holodexxx’s studio. The expressions are captured from all different angles, allowing the developers to create an uncanny digital likeness that responds to users’ directions and movements.
Users can then select from a series of positions on the left-hand side of the screen (just walk over and point with one of the controllers) and make the avatar, say, get on all fours or lay spread-eagle on the ground. Of course, what users can’t do is make performers participate in actions that haven’t been pre-recorded. So, if a given star doesn’t agree to get her or his face slapped, for instance, Holodexxx won’t record the facial expressions necessary to create that animation. According to Young, it’s a built-in method to avoid exploitation.
“We’re casting stars and models based on their willingness and what they’re willing to do on film,” Young said. “It’s a pretty clear indicator of whether or not they’ll be OK doing this in a virtual world, in a game. We haven’t run into any issues. If there is an issue, we’ll absolutely deal with it on an individual basis.”
The article goes on to hint at the many various uses the 3D scanning tech could be used for.
Eventually, though, the avatar won’t have to be a porn star — it could look just like your long-distance partner. As 3-D scanning technology improves, Young said, couples will be able to scan themselves with reasonable accuracy in the comfort of their own homes, allowing them to create their own avatars that they can use together when they’re apart.
The same scans could be used as the couple grow older and want to remain looking ‘young’ to each other when making love.
Although Holodexxx is obviously now intended to be used with vr headsets such as the Oculus and the Gear VR, the same techniques could be used for augmented/mixed reality devices and glasses such as the soon to be released HoloLens. Arguably, its use on such devices will be more popular. Instead of a virtual world, a couple could make love to each other on their own beds. This could be remotely via teledildonics, or as an agumented form of actual sex, such as the example given above where each wearer of the glasses would see each other as young, or perhaps augmented in some way, such as having a bigger penis or bigger breasts.