How AI Girlfriends Might Develop

Beauty Swipe and future of AI GFs featured image girl in lingerie

I recently highlighted a new NSFW AI image site called ‘Beauty Swipe‘. On the surface, it combines
elements of both an AI porn generator and a swipe left or right Tinder style dating app. Unfortunately, in its current format, Beauty Swap is neither an AI porn generator, nor is it a dating site. But it hints at what might be, and it has stimulated my thought processes into some speculation as to how AI girlfriend sites might develop over the next few years, and branch out from their present uniformity.

Beauty Swap shows the visitor a succession of AI babe images, to which he swipes left or right just as
in Tinder and many other dating apps. But instead of matching with a digital babe, the site’s AI
analyses the swipes to show more of the kind of pics that the viewer likes. And it doesn’t actually do any image generation itself. It works entirely from an existing library of AI girl images.

It’s a pretty cool and original site, but of course it would be so much better if it did fully incorporate
both AI image generation, and an AI girlfriend dating element. Rather than simply showing more
preexisting images matching the viewer’s preferences, it would be far better if it could generate new
images that approximate ever more closely to the viewer’s ideal girl. It could eventually ‘match’ you
with your dream girlfriend.

Beauty Swipe blonde girl

Once you have been matched, you could then commence dating your digital sweetheart. From this point, it could just follow the familiar pattern of all the current NSFW AI companion sites and apps out there, and provide you with 100% smitten sexbot chat, and the obedient sending of selfies on demand. However, there is a different approach a developer of such a site could take, one that would be a lot more original and interesting.

Rather than merely be a completely compliant companion, perhaps the experience with your AI match could be more of a real dating simulation and game. You have to pursue your dream thbot a little while, and you may face rejection if your seduction skills or ‘Game’ just isn’t sharp enough. And it’s here that AI girlfriend sites could learn a trick from the male sex toy industry. AI companions for men are still seen as a bit sad, and even the last refuge for incels who can’t get a girl in real life. Well, male sex toys have always been seen in the same stigmatised light, at least until relatively recently. For decades, male masturbators had to be marketed as ‘stamina trainers’, or even ‘penis enlargers’. This has changed a little in recent years, but even today, trailblazing male sex toys such as the Fleshlight and the Autoblow still often market themselves as providing benefits to improving a man’s powers in the bedroom. AI girlfriend sites could promise the same thing, by promoting the very real seduction and relationship skills that can be simulated and improved through their companion bots.

Will Everybody Have An AI Dating Clone?

The transhumanist Zoltan Istvan, who has run for the US presidency twice, recently wrote a piece on ‘dating in the world of deep fakes‘. He speculates that members of dating sites in the future could use AI clones of themselves to ‘date’ potential matches, send each other deepfaked nudes of themselves, and even have virtual sex together. All as a form of ‘pre-screening’ and time saving, making the actual process of finding your real life match a lot smoother and a lot faster.

I met my wife on 15 years ago. She didn’t have a picture on her profile, but she had written a strong description of herself. It was enough to warrant a first date, and we got married a year later.

But what if ordinary dating sites allowed users to see their potential date naked using advanced AI that could “virtually undress” that person? Let’s take it a step further. What if they gave users the option to have virtual sex with their potential date using deepfake technology, before they ever met them in person? Some of this technology is already here. And it’s prompting a lot of thorny questions – not just for dating sites but for anyone who uses the web.

About xhumanist

Xhumanist has been writing on porn/sex tech for nearly two decades, and has been predicting the rise of VR and AR porn, as well as AI porn, and their coming together to produce fully 'immersive porn', which would be indistinguishable from the real thing, and create a society of 'sexual abundance'. He identifies as a digisexual, and has been quoted in Wired Magazine.

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