I Tested The World’s First AI Porn Video Generator

SexyAI AI porn video generator featured image wide

Sexy.ai may seem just like another AI porn generator – and a raw and simple one at that – but look closer, and you’ll notice something quite exciting. At the top of the screen, bang in the center, is a video symbol. Click on it, and you’re invited to create an AI porn video of your choosing – from a titty flash, to ‘sofa sex’, to a hair pulling blowjob. That’s right, it is what surely must be the first AI porn video generator online. Unfortunately, you have to pay for premium membership ($10 a month) to use it even once. Fortunately, I paid up, and so I got to be one of the first to make my very own AI porn videos.

There are currently ten different action or scene options you can choose from to form the basis of your video creation. And on top of that, just as with an image generator, you can type in your prompts or sentences to describe the required character. The prompt box contains ‘sexy woman’ as default, so for my first video, I just kept that and chose the first scene option, which is ‘Shirt Lift/Titty Flash’. Here is the result below.

SexyAI porn video result using prompts sexy woman and titty flash option.
Sexy woman – Shirt Lift | Titty Flash

As you can immediately see, there are two notable things about the resulting ‘video’. Firstly, it’s not really a video so much as a looping gif animation made up of around 30-40 images, with a frame rate of no more than 15fps. And secondly, there is a glaring lack of consistency in the model’s features, from one frame to the next. In some frames, she is wearing glasses, in others not. In some frames, she looks Asian, in others European. Even the size of her breasts change, although it has to be admitted, that the actual ‘titty flash’ animation is pretty good, if you are focusing on her breasts.

So for the next test, I decided to remain with the same titty flash video option, but enter some prompts of my own. I decided upon – ‘Russian woman, red-hair, freckles, big tits’. Here is the result below.

AI generated porn video - Russian woman, red hair, freckles, big tits, titty flash
Russian woman, red hair, freckles, big tits – Shirt Lift | Titty Flash

You can see that there is a similar lack of consistency in the facial features, and even her age varies quite markedly. The titty flash animation is exactly the same as in the first video, allthough notice that her nipples are reddish, to be consistent with her red hair, and her breasts have red freckles too.

For the next video, I chose the ‘best titty fuck’ animation, and this time, I specified her to be 18 years old. The resulting ‘video’ was far more consistent than with my two attempts at the titty flash animation.

AI porn video animation - 18 yo pink hair freckles slim - best titty fuck
18 yo, pink hair, freckles, slim – Best Titty Fuck

Another video option available is ‘Hair Pull BJ’. That sounded intiguing, so I chose that and typed in – ’18 yo blonde girl, pigtails’. Again, the result was quite consistent, except that her top keeps falling off and then magically reappearing.

AI porn generated video - 18 yo blonde girl pigtails - Hair Pull Blowjob
18 yo blonde girl pigtails – Hair Pull Blowjob

There is only one penetrative sex animation – sofa sex. I tried this using four different sets of prompts and you can judge the results below.

My Final Thoughts On The First AI Porn Video Generator

Although the ‘videos’ created by Sexy.ai are pretty crude gifs with variable consistancy between frames, it’s the closest to an AI porn video generator we currently have, or at least that I know of. And there are a couple of good things about the tool as well, namely that it’s fast (each animation was generated in around 10 seconds) and it seems that your use of it is pretty much unlimited. At least that is, for paying members. It’s something to keep an eye on, and no doubt AI porn video generation will quickly develop over the course of the coming months and years.

beautiful woman, blonde hair, blue eyes - Solo Titty Love
beautiful woman, blonde hair, blue eyes – Solo Titty Love

Update : Here is an example of what will likely be possible in only a few months time. This was created using Stable Diffusion and posted on Reddit.

This took forever to make :3
by u/PufffyAI in unstable_diffusion

About xhumanist

Xhumanist has been writing on porn/sex tech for nearly two decades, and has been predicting the rise of VR and AR porn, as well as AI porn, and their coming together to produce fully 'immersive porn', which would be indistinguishable from the real thing, and create a society of 'sexual abundance'. He identifies as a digisexual, and has been quoted in Wired Magazine.

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