I was recently invited to review a product from Tantaly, the world’s leading brand for realistic sex doll torsos (they also sell full-size dolls). As I had been wanting to try out a realistic torso for some time, I was more than happy to accept their offer. They duly sent me out a busty torso that goes by the name of Britney (2.0), and boy, have I had a lot of fun with it already.
The Advantages Of Realistic Torsos Over Sex Dolls
Before I get down to my review proper, it’s worth mentioning the advantages that a realistic doll torso has over a full-size sex doll. Most obviously is the significantly cheaper cost. While a full-size doll can set you back over $3K or more, the Britney 2.0 costs only $399. For that reason alone I would recommend that anybody who is considering buying a premium sex doll for the first time, ought to purchase a realistic torso first (and preferably from the same company you are thinking of buying the doll from) if they haven’t already done so.
A few years ago I did purchase a life-size silicone sex doll that cost around $3K, and I still regret it to this day. I’m quite a big, and certainly strong guy, but just carrying the doll the short distance from the wardrobe where I stored it (taking up all the space), and onto my bed (and back again) was an effort. God knows how these men who supposedly take their sex dolls out to restaurants and the like do it.
And a life-size doll isn’t exactly mobile when you get it on your bed either. As the price I paid for it suggests, I did buy my doll from a reputable site/company, but just moving its arms and legs into position, or changing from missionary to doggy style was a challenge.
A realistic torso like Britney avoids all of these problems. It’s not exactly lightweight at 27lbs, but it’s quite comfortable to carry around (and it came delivered with an excellent carrying/storage bag), as well as move around whilst using it. As far as the incomplete arms and legs go (and, of course, lack of hands or feet), it’s not really a problem for me. You do have plenty to hold onto when banging Britney, especially, of course, those delicious boobs, which have gel pouches inside them, feel so lifelike, and swing along to the rhythm of your thrusts.
Likewise with the lack of a head. Although realistic sex doll heads and faces are undeniably often very beautiful these days, and very lifelike, for me personally, I find it difficult to get sexually aroused by them, let alone feel any ’emotional connection’. While sex doll faces may look heartmeltingly beautiful in a photograph, when you’re banging the doll, the fact that it’s head cannot move, or the face change its expression, keeps it firmly in the Uncanny Valley realm. For myself, I prefer to use my imagination. Or, better still, to use VR porn.
Having sex with a realistic torso whilst watching VR porn is an intense experience, and one that is so much easier and practical than with a full-size doll. The lack of a head, and even full limbs doesn’t really matter, and the smaller, lighter size of the torso gives it a tremendous advantage over a sex doll, when you have a headset on, even with passthrough or AR porn.
Another advantage that a realistic torso has is that it is much easier to maintain. One of the things that I was unprepared for when I purchased my expensive sex doll was just how much care and maintenance it requires. Even the doll’s hair has to be regularly brushed and even washed, the eyelashes combed, and the makeup occasionally reapplied. The skin of both a life-size doll and a silicone torso have to be carefully maintained too, and the expense and effort is obviously greater for the former. With my sex doll, cracks appeared in the skin quite quickly, because I did not apply powder to it from day one. And when the day came that I decided I wanted to get rid of it, I found that this was a huge challenge in itself.
I don’t want to put anybody off the idea of buying a premium sex doll, but I do suggest you first buy a torso like the Tantaly Britney 2.0 first, and test it for several months. And certainly if you are a VR porn fan, you might decide that is all you need.
My Thoughts On/experience using Britney 2.0
My Britney 2.0 arrived within days, in discreet and secure packaging, that was nonetheless easy to open. Along with the doll came a glossy brochure that showcases the entire range of Tantaly products, as well as a heating rod.
So I picked it up out of the box, and couldn’t resist immediately having a grope of those amazing bouncing breasts. They did indeed feel amazing, as well as incredibly lifelike. The detail on the nipples and areolas are also highly impressive.
As I held the doll up to my body, the skin felt much more natural and lifelike than I remember my ‘premium sex doll’ posessed. And it does feel like you are holding up a girl. Whilst the boobs may be bouncy, the torso contains a metal spine running through it. This is neither too rigid, nor too bendy.
At this point, I was getting more than a little aroused, and it was time for some bedtime fun with Britney to properly test her out. Once I’d lubbed up both her pussy and my dick, she was ready to be taken. I slided into her quite easily, and felt the exquisate texture canal engorge and stimulate my shaft. The harder I pounded Britney, the more her breasts swung. As well as missionary, I tried cowgirl and doggy style. I have to say, I enjoyed the cowgirl the most. Holding her around her nubile waist, easily lifting her weight up and down, it almost seems that she is doing the work for you. Not only do her tits bounce, her whole torso seem to as well.
After use, it was easy to clean and dry Britney, and I put her back in the storage bag and placed it at the bottom of my wardrobe.
The next day I had another round with Britney, but this time I tried watching a VR porn movie at the same time. As I hoped, fucking Britney with a headset on was a breeze. It felt amazing, and it was easy to change her position in accordance with the scene. Even though a realistic torso like Britney cannot ‘synch’ with a VR movie, the feeling of immersion and the illusion you are actually fucking the actress, is greater than with a sex toy like the Handy.
The Britney 2.0 is available to order from the Tantaly website for just $399.